Foire aux questions

Qu’est-ce que l’CCE Cash ?
L’CCE Cash est un service d’échange instantané de crypto-monnaie simple et rapide. Vous n'avez pas besoin de vous inscrire et il n'y a aucune restriction quant à votre échange. Nous pouvons convertir rapidement plusieurs jetons pour vous sans frais supplémentaires ou cachés.
CCE Cash  | Comment ça marche ?
L'échange inter-chaînes rapide s'intègre dans plusieurs échanges de crypto-monnaie, notamment Binance, Bitfinex et Okx. Nous travaillons également avec plusieurs partenaires d'échange. Nous sélectionnons à tout moment le meilleur taux de change du marché et vous le proposons.
Pourquoi nous faire confiance ?
Créé par une équipe de développeurs blockchain expérimentés, CCE Cash est également un service entièrement sécurisé avec une fonctionnalité : nous sommes entièrement sans inscription. Cela permet à nos clients d’éviter le vol d’identité ou le vol financier. Nous proposons les meilleurs prix du marché en utilisant une plateforme de trading de cryptomonnaie fiable.

Processus d'échange

Comment faire ?
Vous créez une transaction et un dépôt. Vous disposez de 30 minutes pour déposer vos fonds d’échange ; pendant cette période, nous garantissons que le tarif ne changera pas. Vous recevez le montant exact qui vous est indiqué.
Quand dois-je choisir un flux à taux de change fixe ?
Si vous voulez être sûr que le montant de crypto-monnaie que vous recevrez restera le même quoi qu’il arrive, vous pouvez choisir un trafic à taux fixe. Avec un taux de change fixe, nos utilisateurs peuvent profiter de la stabilité de leur conversion et éviter des baisses soudaines du taux de change. Dans certains cas, les échanges à taux fixe ont des taux plus bas, mais l'inverse est également possible.
Que signifie l'échange inter-chaînes rapide par certains échanges de crypto-monnaie via des services partenaires tiers ?
Signification : certaines paires de trading sont négociées via nos partenaires. Ces échanges ne sont pas très différents des échanges réguliers de CCE Cash, cependant, vous voudrez peut-être garder les points suivants à l'esprit :
1.  Dans ces cas-là, nous n’effectuons aucun contrôle KYC (Know Your Customer). Mais nos partenaires peuvent réaliser ;
2. Veuillez noter que les autres services avec lesquels nous coopérons peuvent avoir des politiques KYC différentes des nôtres ; 
3.  Notre échange via des services tiers ne signifie pas que nous renonçons à notre responsabilité concernant l'échange. Si vous rencontrez des problèmes lors de l'échange, veuillez en informer notre équipe d'assistance et nous vous aiderons dans les plus brefs délais.
Dois-je m'inscrire pour utiliser l'échange inter-chaînes rapide ?
Pour pouvoir utiliser l'échange inter-chaînes rapide, les clients n'ont besoin de créer aucun type de compte.
Quelles sont les caractéristiques des dépôts BCH/BSV ?
Le hard fork de Bitcoin Cash a abouti à la création de plusieurs chaînes. Cependant, comme ils ne sont pas protégés par la technologie de protection contre la relecture, il est possible d'affecter des dépenses doubles sur les deux chaînes (BCH/BSV ou BCH/BCHA). Cela signifie que les transactions effectuées avec l'un des jetons peuvent être copiées sur l'autre.
Dans ce cas, veuillez contacter notre équipe d'assistance au  service client en ligne . Nous ferons de notre mieux pour vous rembourser dans les 24 heures. Néanmoins, nous devons vous avertir que dans certaines circonstances extrêmement rares, il peut y avoir aucune chance de récupérer vos fonds. La meilleure façon d’éviter cela est de diviser vos pièces : assurez-vous de le faire avant d’organiser la transaction.
À quelle vitesse mes transactions sont-elles traitées ?
Plage de vitesse de traitement : 3 à 30 minutes, selon la durée des blocages sur le réseau. La plupart des commandes ne prennent que quelques minutes. Si le volume de transaction est important (plus de 1 BTC ou autant), cela peut prendre plus de temps en fonction de la taille de votre transaction et de la taille du bloc. Grâce à notre algorithme de trading innovant, nous disposons de la vitesse d'échange la plus élevée du marché.
Qu'est-ce qu'une adresse de portefeuille de crypto-monnaie ?
Les adresses de portefeuille de crypto-monnaie sont des combinaisons uniques de chiffres et de lettres, allant de 26 à 35 chaînes de longueur. Cela ressemble généralement à ceci : 56bkZPLB4Wn6F695PLZBR34ijhzQDUFZ4ZC.
Comment puis-je obtenir l'adresse du portefeuille ?
Lorsque vous décidez quelle crypto-monnaie acheter, trouvez un portefeuille de crypto-monnaie fiable. Chaque crypto-monnaie possède un portefeuille officiel de crypto-monnaie. Lorsque vous créez un portefeuille, vous obtenez automatiquement une adresse et une clé privée. Conservez votre clé privée et ne la révélez à personne, même si on vous le demande.
Pour des raisons de sécurité, nous ne vous demanderons jamais votre clé privée, et personne ne devrait le faire.
Quelle est l’adresse du portefeuille du destinataire ?
Si vous souhaitez acheter de la crypto-monnaie, vous devez stocker la devise dans un portefeuille de crypto-monnaie spécifique. Tout cryptage a le sien. L'adresse du destinataire est votre portefeuille de crypto-monnaie et le cryptage est transféré au portefeuille de cryptage après l'échange.
Qu'est-ce que le hachage d'une transaction ?
A transaction's hash (also known as "TX"), is the unique identification code that registers each transaction in the blockchain. This unique code allows verification of its status and validity in the blockchain.
How to cancel the transaction?
Blockchain operations are irreversible. If funds are sent, no one can cancel the transaction. Therefore, check all payment details thoroughly before sending.
Why is the final funding amount different from the initial amount?
It takes some time to process the transaction. Speed is critical as cryptocurrencies are highly volatile, but the final exchange rate can be different: positive or negative direction. We guarantee this is the best ratio during AC operation time.
What are the fees during the exchange?
The process of exchanging cryptocurrencies consists of many different steps, during which various fees are charged. These are possible:
1. Network fees for deposit transactions from client wallets;
2. Network fees for transferring tokens to our liquidity provider;
3. Transaction fees charged by our liquidity providers;
4. Network fees for sending exchange funds to customers.
Fees vary by currency and exchange amount. For each exchange, CCE Cash finds the fastest and most profitable way for the user to perform the exchange. It is important to us that the final amount you receive is as close to the estimate as possible. That's why we very thoroughly calculate all possible fees for each transaction and include them in the estimate.
How long does it take to complete a transaction?
Transactions on CCE Cash usually take 2 to 30 minutes. If your transaction takes more time, it may be due to various issues:
1. DDoS attack. Unfortunately, these problems sometimes occur, but we are always happy to help you and resolve any issues;
2. Cryptocurrency update. We may update the client and disable some coins. You will have immediate access to funds as soon as we reopen;
3. The blockchain is overloaded. If too many transactions are waiting to be added to the blockchain, your transactions may also be waiting. Sometimes you may have to wait a while.
What is the minimum amount to exchange?
There are no restrictions on cryptocurrency exchange on CCE Cash. However, for transactions, the blockchain automatically charges network fees. The amount sent must be sufficient to cover all network charges.
What happens if I deposit an unsupported coin or token?
If you send an asset that is not supported by CCE Cash (the full list of supported assets is available here), unfortunately, we cannot guarantee a refund. Keep this in mind to ensure your funds are safe at all times.
What is Classic Rates Cryptocurrency Exchange?
Classic Rates Cryptocurrency Exchange is an exchange with the most profitable rates currently on the market. The expected exchange rate is the current exchange rate you will get. However, the cryptocurrency market is highly volatile and you should take this into account. In the classic exchange rate conversion process, each transaction may have its own unique exchange rate due to factors such as price fluctuations, market conditions and network fees. Exchange rates may change at any time; as a result, you may receive more or less than you thought.
What is the expected exchange rate?
The expected exchange rate is the exchange rate at that time. You must understand that it takes some time to send the deposit and confirm the transaction, so as the market fluctuates, you may earn less or more than you think.
What is a fixed exchange rate for cryptocurrency exchange?
Crypto exchange fixed rates are displayed to clients at the start of the exchange, regardless of subsequent fluctuating rates.
In some cases, fixed-rate exchanges have lower rates, but the opposite is also possible.
What is the difference between flat rate traffic and standard traffic?
In the standard process, each transaction may have its own different exchange rate due to exchange rate fluctuations, market conditions and network fees. Exchange rates may change at any time; therefore, you may get more or less than you think. To keep your exchange rate safe from fluctuating exchange rates, implementing a flat rate transaction allows us to build a small reserve, which is included in the rate you see at the start of the transaction, excluding other fees. Due to our rate risk, the fixed exchange rate may differ from the exchange rate for standard traffic. However, this gives our clients confidence in the amount received.
What's so special about a SegWit address?
Remember, our BTC deposit addresses are SegWit compliant. Technically, it is not possible for CCE Cash to withdraw any tokens other than BTC from a SegWit BTC address, as SegWit is not currently supported by BCH, LTC or BSV. In terms of refunds, please note that the technical department of CCE Cash can only refund BTC from SegWit BTC addresses. Any other crypto assets including but not limited to LTC, BSV, BCH sent to SegWit BTC addresses are not refundable.
Know the KYC (Know Your Customer) / AML (Anti-Money Laundering) rules:
The crypto market is subject to a number of rules and regulations that make it mandatory for most crypto services to implement AML (Anti-Money Laundering) / KYC (Know Your Customer) procedures.
CCE Cash is committed to protecting our customers from any type of scams and fraudulent activities in the crypto world and complying with all current rules and regulations, KYC (You Customer) / AML (Anti Money Laundering) procedures are what makes us One of the ways to be able to do so.
This program confirms that your transactions are absolutely legitimate. Therefore, confirm that you are a law-abiding citizen and that the government has no reason to settle any claims against you.
KYC (know your customer rules) / AML (anti-money laundering rules) procedures:
CCE Cash's AML/KYC procedures are supported by an automatic risk prevention system. If a transaction is flagged as suspicious by the system, the transaction is suspended and the customer is then asked to confirm his identity.
The system employs a set of criteria; however, they cannot be made public or someone will try to abuse these criteria to trick the algorithm.
The system has proven to be very useful against money launderers and scammers as the KYC process allows us to separate honest customers from scammers quickly and without any issues.
Each KYC case is handled individually. If a customer is eligible for the program, but their transaction is flagged as suspicious, they will be notified via a pop-up notification after the exchange is submitted and asked to contact the support team. We apply a standard set of procedures for KYC clients, which includes requiring clients to submit the following:
CCE Cash works with a KYC provider called SumSub. In order to verify your identity, you can click on SumSub's link (located below the "Verify" button) and complete the verification through a comfortable and smooth UI. You will have 3 days to complete the verification process, and if you do not want to pass KYC, you can refuse (In this case, send a message to the support team at and get a refund.
After CCE Cash receives the following materials, the exchange is completed, and then the exchanged funds are sent to the designated recipient wallet address.
We do our best to maintain our reputation as a law-abiding exchange service that can be used safely by anyone, whether infrequent crypto-trading or seasoned traders; therefore, CCE Cash reserves certain clients, wallet addresses, and select assets The right to apply KYC/AML procedures.
CCE Cash does not support any money laundering or other illegal activities; therefore, the service does not enter into any commercial agreements with individuals or commercial entities involved in suspected activities.
If the client does not want to reveal his identity for some reason and refuses to provide documents, the KYC/AML procedure will treat the transaction as a failure, and then the deposited funds will be returned to the deposit address, deducting network fees within 24 hours. CCE Cash then reserves the right to blacklist this address, thereby disqualifying deposits online.
If the customer submits fake documents, the KYC/AML procedure will treat the transaction as a failure and then return the deposited funds to the deposit address within 24 hours, minus network fees. CCE Cash then reserves the right to blacklist this address, thereby disqualifying deposits on the service.
Please note that CCE Cash reserves the right to submit all material received to legal bodies (INTERPOL, Europol and others) if requested accordingly. You can follow the official reading of CCE Cash's AML/CFT compliance control rules here.
Law enforcement responsibility
If you are a victim of theft and you suspect that the stolen funds have been transferred to a CCE Cash deposit address, you must open a support ticket and provide us with the following information:
1. A detailed description of how and when the theft occurred.
2. A list of all blockchain transactions and addresses involved in the process (with clickable links).
3. Information regarding lawsuits initiated with local or international law enforcement.
If there is substantial evidence that funds have indeed been stolen, CCE Cash will do its best to temporarily freeze assets. During this process, the police or law enforcement must provide us with a report of the ongoing case within 14 days of submitting your support ticket.
Please note that we can only refund frozen funds upon request from law enforcement agencies. The request should have a clear intent to return funds and have information about the transaction.Please send a digital copy of the request to online customer service before sending a hard request.
Note that transactions may stop after the transaction phase, depending on when reports of stolen funds are received. In this case, we will be able to refund the funds (in currency terms) in the assets exchanged.