The current exchange fee discount 3%
Real-time Data
Save time
Maximum exchange speed due to the full automation
Save money
Best exchange rates and minimum commissions
The exchange address is randomly generated, anonymous exchange does not require login, and the entire process cannot be traced
Save time
Maximum exchange speed due to the full automation
Save money
Best exchange rates and minimum commissions
The exchange address is randomly generated, anonymous exchange does not require login, and the entire process cannot be traced
How the exchange works?
The exchange tool automatically connects to multiple cryptocurrency exchanges, including official cooperative exchanges such as Binance, OKX, Bitfinex, etc. We will choose the best price and exchange rate on the market for exchange at any time.
Why can I trust you?
No registration and no need to share your personal details. We don't hold your funds, all exchanges take place instantly in fully automatic mode.
How fast is the exchange?
Exchange only takes 2 to 20 minutes, and most orders take just a few minutes to complete. If the transaction volume is high, it may take longer, depending on your transaction size and block size. With our innovative trading algorithm, we have the highest exchange speed on the market.